White Claw

When a hard seltzer brand with the slogan, “refreshment, reinvented” wants to launch a new line of hard teas & lemonades, your standard, run-of-the-mill launch party just won’t cut it. Knowing this, White Claw reached out to RMNG to create a special, immersive, and memorable experience for their new Refrshr Iced Teas and Lemonades. Since we wanted to push everyone’s experience meter to 11 on this one, we partnered with Carisma, WMX, and Warner Music Group to craft a day that would set the standard for future launch parties.

Harkening back to a simpler time when just finding an alcoholic drink was an endeavor, we took over The Little Shop, a beloved NYC bodega by transforming it into a one-time speakeasy. Within the Little Shop, we included door guards, passwords, and a maze that had to be navigated to find the actual party. Leveraging our entertainment industry connections, we partnered with WMX and Warner Music Group to bring musicians and influencers into our elite soiree.

Custom Merch

Number Of Guests

Samples Utilized 

With limited spots for attendees, potential guests lined up out front and awaited the word on whether they would make the cut to get inside. Those who did spent the day hanging with the stars and tasting the new White Claw Refrshr Iced Teas and Lemonades, each with a special flair concocted by our mixologists. 

Surrounded by a completely redesigned and Refrshr-branded interior complete with DJ, ice sculptures, brand-focused creator stations, swag, and of course, drinks, 125 guests enjoyed 3,096 White Claw cans through both drinks and interior design, with a waitlist in the hundreds. 

While both the guests and influencers were bummed when they had to walk back out into the real world, they will each have a unique experience emblazoned in their memory, to be relived every time they see a White Claw logo for the rest of their lives.

A mom and her two daughters laugh as the mom sprays the hair of the youngest with Batiste dry shampoo at the Batiste truck.