Let’s talk about swag real quick. RMNG creates branded goods or “swag” when working with various clients in the mobile marketing activation world. The usual suspects might include a tote bag, a coffee cup, or a scarf of some type, complete with a logo or catchphrase. However, the most common and favorite swag item has always been a t-shirt. Do people like t-shirts? Sure. Is there a way we can do it better? I say yes. Let’s explore.

The t-shirt is the tried and true way to get your name out there. When people act as billboards, there is no telling the number of people who will such a tee and think to themselves, “What burger joint is that?!” However, when an entire closet is full of trendy items, it can be hard to get air time with the branded tee you shot out of a cannon. This rule isn’t the case for every t-shirt on the market. Plenty of high-fashion and niche clothing lines capitalize on their everyday tees and athleisure. Major brands get away with covering their items in their logo because of the fashionable application and the brand’s social clout. How does a food or CPG brand manifest the same desire within their customer to wear their stuff? We believe a great way to shake up the status quo is by changing things up a bit.

Here is an example of an average tee you might see at a game or an event. It’s a cotton blend with the logo screen printed on the front. The logo is coolish, but that’s about the only thing interesting about the shirt.


To begin, let’s see how Urban Dictionary defines swag:

Swag: [Originally from the Scottish slang word “swagger,” which was a description of the way some Scots walk (in a swaying motion), the word was then misinterpreted by the English as “the way someone presents themselves.” 

The word quickly made its way to the states and ever since has become the catchphrase of douchebags and tools everywhere.]

Ooof. Message received. Let’s think of the outdated way of doing branded wares, yesteryear’s “swag” options. The better way I mentioned above? We’re going to be calling it drip. Branded drip gets people stoked to receive an item stamped with multiple logos (that isn’t Chanel or Louboutin). So let’s explore those branded options that people will be thrilled to receive at your subsequent activation.

The t-shirt is the tried and true way to get your name out there. When people act as billboards, there is no telling the number of people who will such a tee and think to themselves, “What burger joint is that?!” However, when an entire closet is full of trendy items, it can be hard to get air time with the branded tee you shot out of a cannon. This rule isn’t the case for every t-shirt on the market. Plenty of high-fashion and niche clothing lines capitalize on their everyday tees and athleisure. Major brands get away with covering their items in their logo because of the fashionable application and the brand’s social clout. How does a food or CPG brand manifest the same desire within their customer to wear their stuff? We believe a great way to shake up the status quo is by changing things up a bit.

Here is an example of an average tee you might see at a game or an event. It’s a cotton blend with the logo screen printed on the front. The logo is coolish, but that’s about the only thing interesting about the shirt.
